Root Canal Medellin

In Clinica Viena we have advanced technology for the realization of root canal in Medellin. First, we check with special equipment the length of the root. This special equipment is called apex locator, and with this we verify the position to which we must clean without leaving a trace of microorganisms.

Then, we clean it with special elements that will eliminate the pain and infection that was causing inside the tooth.

Finally, we fill this canal with a material called gutta-percha and we do it in a thermo-plasticized form with special equipment for this purpose. In this way, the seal is absolute and complete for the treatment to be successful.

What is root canal?

first of all, almost all patients tend to confuse this term with other specialties of dentistry.

A simple description, endodontics is the dental specialty that treats everything related to the nerve of the tooth and the pain it produces.

An endodontics is also called the treatment that is done inside the nerve for various reasons such as: severe pain, extensive decay, abscesses, large resins or crowns that at the time they are performed can become painful.

How much can a root canal treatment in Medellin cost?

The price of an endodontic treatment in Clinica Viena varies according to its complexity and size. The size can be determined by the number of roots that each tooth has. Normally, the front teeth have only 1 root so it is called unirradicular endodontics, those that follow which are called premolars, normally have 2 roots so it is called birradicular endodontics, the molars normally have 3 or more roots so it is called multiroot endodontics.


The complexity also refers to whether it is a tooth that is going to be root canalized for the first time or if it is a tooth that has already had a root canal and became infected or for some reason the treatment must be performed again. This is called retreatment or deobturation and is much more complex because all the previos root canals must be removed carefully. This is done with a liquid that dissolves the old root canal gently so as not to cause damage to the tooth or gum, and then the endodontist will remove it little by little.



Cost of uniradicular root canal: $450.000 COP

Cost of birradicular root canal: $550.000 COP

Multi-radicular root canal cost: $650.000 COP

Cost of retreatment or root canal debonding: $100.000 COP


Step by step of a root canal in Medellin

The steps of a root canal depend a lot on the state in which the patient arrives or the reason for which the root canal is to be performed. Normally, the steps are the following:

  1. Anesthesia: First local anesthesia is performed; this anesthesia is very safe and will only numb the area of the tooth that we are going to work. Always tell the specialist if you are hypertensive since in these cases a different type of anesthesia is used.
  2. Isolation:  This part may be a bit new for patients because it is not commonly used in all treatments. It consists of placing a kind of rubber cloth. It is usually blue and its function is to isolate the tooth to be performed endodontics and to prevent bacteria (the mouth is the part of the body that has more bacteria) and this makes the endodontics can be performed carefully ensuring the success of the procedure.
  3. Subsequently, what is done is to remove everything that is inside the canal or nerve. Everything that is damaged, with bacteria, inflamed or with some type of decay is completely cleaned. This is the step that eliminates all the pain and later causes a sense of relief and rest for the aching tooth.
  1. Filling: In this step the space that was previously affected is filled with a material called gutta-percha. This material is placed inside the tooth with special equipment that carries it quickly. Once inside the tooth, it hardens, protecting the tooth from new bacteria and pain.
  2. Covering the tooth temporarily: Many times after endodontics a temporary paste is placed that is soft at the time of placement and after about 2 hours it hardens. It is very important to understand that this material is totally TEMPORARY and leaving it on for more than a week can be bad for your tooth. It can filter the bacteria that are in the mouth, creating pain and infection again and provoking that the root canal has to be re-done again. When your tooth is not covered with this temporary material but with an acrylic crown, it is also very important to understand that it is only an intermediate step between the definitive and the temporary restoration.
  3. Final restoration: This is the final step, remember that the success of the treatment will largely depend on how quickly you reappear the definitive restorations, whether it is a resin (Calza) or a dental crown.

Other treatments performed by the endodontist


  • Dental emergencies due to pain
  • Treatment for dark tooth (internal whitening)
  • Treatment for dental abscess
  • Apical surgery (surgery to the root of the tooth)
  • Retreatment or deobturation

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