Dr. Sara Pelaez
My name is Sara Pelaez, founder of Clinica Viena, I am a dentist graduated from CES University. I want you to know a little of our history and what we seek to achieve with the service we are going to provide you.
If you have ever used the service of an EPS, then we agree that the health system in Colombia is very deficient.
You have experienced it as a patient and at some point, this is not known, but we dentists suffer it on the other side.
Seeing many injustices was my motivation and I decided to create something totally different so that you can also achieve your dreams.
I will tell you what differentiates Clínica Viena from other clinics, based on dozens of lessons I have learned in recent years.

In fact, I don't see myself as a dentist. I see myself as an entrepreneur.
Do you know what entrepreneurs do? They create solutions to problems.
As I was telling you, during my first experience I worked in a private clinic, and believe me, the environment is quite hostile.
The dentists' salaries are bad, there is pressure for results, the conditions are not the best and that is reflected in the service.
The service you receive as a patient. At that moment, I decided to start my own private clinic where I could improve what I had seen in that first experience.
It was not easy at all.
A lot of learning, but something marked me in this first experience: the patients, well attended, came back and very grateful.
When the company was already stabilized, I decided to create another company in something totally different: The Chocolate House.
A very different project but, as I mentioned at the beginning, more than as a dentist, I see myself as an entrepreneur who solves problems.
In this project, I learned something and I want you to benefit from it when visiting Clínica Viena:
I have to create extraordinary products and services!
Above the market average.

How do you create extraordinary things?
The answer is: create a team with extraordinary people, who are happy, who feel well paid and appreciated as humans and professionals. In essence, people who feel fulfilled. That is why the value proposition that I have imprinted on Clínica Viena is that our staff is so happy with their work that they transmit it to you by providing you with quality service. When you enter our facilities, you will see impeccable and friendly people, you will feel a relaxing vibe and you will only hear positive things.
What's more, you will immediately notice that the dreaded strawberry noise is not in the environment.
When you are being attended by someone who is fulfilled, who is living their dreams, who is happy, the work they do with you, puts you closer to achieving your personal and professional goals by having a fascinating smile.
Additionally, an environment like this helps people to be more ethical. What is the impact of being attended by a professional with integrity? I am going to tell you something that is not said out loud: as a patient, have no way of checking on the work done. This is a situation that leaves you exposed to things like: unnecessary procedures, cost overruns or half-baked procedures. Even bad advice that can cause you future problems.
At Clínica Viena, through ethics, we want you to receive a fair treatment, the procedure you need at a fair price and with the attention of a person who works under fair conditions. This is our belief.
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to assisting you and helping you achieve your personal and professional goals through a beautiful smile. Book your appointment today to enjoy your new life!
What is the impact of being attended by a professional with integrity?
I am going to tell you something that is not said out loud: as a patient, have no way of checking on the work done. This is a situation that leaves you exposed to things like: unnecessary procedures, cost overruns or half-baked procedures.
Even bad advice that can cause you future problems.
At Clínica Viena, through ethics, we want you to receive a fair treatment, the procedure you need at a fair price and with the attention of a person who works under fair conditions
This is our belief. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to serving you and helping you achieve your personal and professional goals through a beautiful smile. Additionally, an environment like this helps people to be more ethical.